thelxiThelxi Hauenstein
Certified AquaLogix Instructor

I’ve always loved sports. I was the neighborhood tomboy growing up, and took pride knowing I could compete with the best athletes in elementary school. My fondest memory was receiving the nickname “The Arm” after a very competitive baseball game.
A good friend introduced me to long-distance running in the early 80’s. I completed four marathons including the New York City Marathon in 1989.
Life changed for me both physically and emotionally in 1990 when I was diagnosed with a herniated cervical disk after an accident at work. It required surgery. My running days were over. I tried walking, stretching exercises, and physical therapy, but my pain levels increased to the point I could no longer sit at a desk.
My physician prescribed water fitness for rehabilitation and general conditioning. She was right. The water aerobic classes at the Murray Park Center were fantastic! My overall conditioning improved. I learned to exercise within my physical limitations. I decided to study and become a water aerobics instructor to help others with similar physical issues.
Finding an exercise program that made a difference in my physical condition was exhilarating and gave me hope. Injuries can dramatically alter our self perception, but they don’t need to stop us from living!
John Wooden, the famous UCLA Basketball coach is remembered for saying:
“Don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.”
I no longer focus on what was, but instead, what will be.
I’ve been a certified water aerobics instructor since 2004, and have been a licensed Massage Therapist since 1994.
Get a weight-room workout while maintaining all the benefits of aquatic exercise!
I supply the AquaLogix equipment in different sizes to accommodate personal strength levels and workout requirements.
My AquaLogix classes are set to music. They’re challenging and most of all—FUN!